Bayer Buonos for Sheath Blight: Sheath Blight is one of the common fungal diseases in rice. First, you will observe elliptical or oval spots. Then they will go on to enlarge into the blackish-brown or purple-brown border on the sheaths. When this fungal disease attacks at the heading and grain filling growth stages, it causes 25% yield loss. To avoid this, we should use certain agro chemicals which are specifically manufactured for this disease. One such product is from the famous Bayer Company. Bayer has brought a new product into the market, Buonos for Sheath Blight. Since you are reading this, you want to know the technical name, chemical composition, recommended dose per liter, and other details of buonos. You will get all such information in the below section.

Bayer Buonos for Sheath Blight in Rice:
Chemical Composition: The chemical composition of this product is Tebuconazole 38.9% SC. This is one of a kind technical which not many companies have. This product has higher quantities of Tebuconazole which helps to tackle sheath blight effectively.
Recommended Dose: As per the company instructions, 250ml/acre or 625ml per hectare is an ideal dose to control sheath blight in paddy. One should never lower the recommended dose than what the company has suggested.
Target Disease: Buonos is very effective against sheath blight of paddy. You will see much better results than other products in the market.
Mode of Action: This is a systemic fungicide. This forms an interference in the process of cell wall building of the fungus Rhizoctonia solani that causes sheath blight.
Time of Application: The moment you see the oval or elliptical lesions on the sheaths, you should start the treatment for sheath blight with buonos. Do not delay the application of this systemic fungicide as it might cause severe damage to the paddy.
Method of Application: Spraying is the best method of application of buonos in rice fields. You will see no results with any other method of application.
Packing Available: 250ml, 500ml, 1lt
Toxicity Label: It is moderately toxic, hence it comes under the blue label.

Benefits of Buonos:
- Broad spectrum fungicide
- Curative & Eradicative fungicide
- It improves the quality of the grains
- Cost-effective as the price of Buonos is affordable
- One has to use protective gear while using this agro chemical.
- One should not eat, drink, chew and smoke while using this insecticide.
- Keep this product away from foodstuff and animal feed.
- Do avoid direct contact with the mouth, eyes, and skin.
This is all about the Bayer Buonos to control Sheath Blight in Paddy. Hope you got the information that you are searching for the agro chemical Buonos of Bayer.