Toxicity Labels of Pesticides: Agro Chemicals are very important inputs in agriculture. Every year their requirement is increasing because for various reasons. Hence the utilization of agro chemicals is very important. How to Use, One has to know what dose to use, which agro chemical to use. Apart from that, one should also know the pesticide toxicity label or the agro chemical toxicity label. If you are one of those who do not know what are Toxicity Labels of Pesticides or Agro Chemicals, then this piece of information is just the one that you are looking for.

Toxicity Labels of Pesticides:
If you have seen the above image, you will notice that they are four types of toxicity labels in agro chemicals. They are Red, Yellow, Blue, and Green. These represent various toxicity levels. They are classified according to the different toxicity rating scale. Furthermore, read below to know the pesticide toxicity classification.
- Red Label: The pesticides or agro chemicals that have this label are extremely toxic. Hence one has to use these kinds of agro chemicals and pesticides very carefully in their fields. One should inhale or ingest in any way. Monocrotophos, Zinc phosphide are some of the examples of Red Label Pesticides or Agrochemicals.
- Yellow Label: This is second to Red Label. This is Highly Toxic although less toxic than the Red Label Agrochemicals. One should be careful while using these types of pesticides. Their oral lethal dose is around 51 to 500 mg/kg. Endosulfan, Carbaryl are some of the examples of Yellow Label.
- Blue Label: This is third in this list of pesticide toxicity labels. The agro chemicals and pesticides that belong to this label are moderately toxic. Their oral lethal dose is 501 to 5000 mg/kg. Glyphosate, Thiram, and others come under this toxicity label of pesticides.
- Green Label: This is the last and final agro chemical toxicity label. Any pesticide which is over 5000 mg/kg oral lethal dose comes under green label. These are slightly toxic, yet are the safest agro chemicals to handle. Mancozeb, Clothiandin are some of the examples of Green Label.