Dow Assert Herbicide for Weeds in Paddy Field: Weeds are major problem-causing agents in any crop. They take away major nutrients from the main crop. This results in less yield per acre. Hence it is always essential to control weeds in any crop. Even in Paddy, the case is the same. The majority of the weeds in paddy are kept at bay with the help of water. Even after that, a number of weeds attack the paddy field. Some of the grassy weeds are Echinochloa sp, Cynodon dactylon; broad leaf weeds are Commelina benghalensis, Cuanotis axillaris; sedges are Cyperus sp. To tackle them one has to have a very good agro chemical herbicide. So today we are going to know about the technical name, recommended dosage per liter, and other such aspects of Assert of Dow Company.

Dow Assert Herbicide for Weeds in Rice Cultivation:
Chemical Composition: Coming to the chemical composition of this product Assert for paddy weeds has two molecules. They are Penoxsulam 2.7% + Benzenesulfonic Acid 10% OD. While penoxsulam is the active ingredient in this product.
Recommended Dose: Dow has specified the recommended of Assert. It is around 400ml per acre or 1lt per hectare. Do not decrease this recommended dosage of assert, as it might not control the weeds with efficiency.
Target Weeds: This product from Dow company has the ability to control almost all the major weeds in paddy. This includes grassy weeds, broadleaf weeds, and also sedges. Hence a farmer need not worry about the weeds anymore with the use of Assert Weedicide.
Mode of Action: This is a systemic herbicide or weedicide. Since it is a selective weedicide or herbicide, once it enters the weeds, it inhibits the synthesis of essential acids. This results in the death of the weeds in paddy.
Time of Application: Assert is a post-emergent selective herbicide. You have to apply Dow Assert when the weeds are at the 3-4 leaf stage. This is usually between 2-3 weeks after transplantation of paddy.
Method of Application: Spraying is the best possible method of application of Assert in the paddy field.
Packing Available: 400ml, 1lt
Toxicity Label: Assert is a Blue label product as it is Moderately Toxic.
Antidote: There is no specific antidote available for this Dow Assert. If inhaled or ingested, treat symptomatically.

Benefits of Assert:
- Broad spectrum systemic herbicide
- Controls major weeds in paddy
- Safe to applicator
- Cost-effective as the price of Dow Assert is affordable
- One has to use protective gear while using this agro chemical.
- One should not eat, drink, chew and smoke while using this insecticide.
- Keep this product away from foodstuff and animal feed.
- Do avoid direct contact with the mouth, eyes, and skin.
This is all about the Dow Assert Weedicide for Weeds in Paddy Field. While we hope that you have got the information that you are searching for the agro chemical Assert of Dow.