DuPont Pexalon for BPH: BPH or Brown Plant Hopper is one of the common pests in paddy. If you are a paddy farmer, you will know how difficult it is to control. BPH can destroy the crop within a matter of days. Hence paddy farmers face a huge challenge with this pest. It can cause yield loss up to 50-60% in severe cases. Such is the extent of its damage. To control this paddy BPH, a farmer should have good agro chemicals. Recognizing the menace that it costs, DuPont has come up with Pexalon. This insecticide is very effective in controlling BPH and WBPH (White-backed Planthopper). Today you are going to get the technical name, recommended dosage per liter of Pexalon technical.

DuPont Pexalon for BPH and WBPH in Paddy:
Chemical Composition: DuPont has come up with a new technical formulation with the help of Pyraxalt active ingredient to control BPH in paddy. The technical name of Pexalon is Triflumezopyrim 10% SC.
Recommended Dose: The recommended dosage of this product is very less, unlike other insecticides. The company is suggesting 94 ml per acre or 235 ml per hectare as an ideal dose to control brown planthopper. While 0.47 ml per liter is an ideal dose per acre of paddy.
Target Pest: Pexalon is exclusive for the pest BPH and WBPH. It can easily control Brown planthopper and white-backed planthopper.
Mode of Action: DuPont Pexalon insecticide is systemic in nature. After the application of the product, the active ingredient enters the plant body and helps to control BPH (Nilaparvata lugens) and WBPH (Sogatella furcifera).
Time of Application: You have to spray this Pexalon insecticide during tillering to panicle initiation stage. This is nothing but 45-60 Days after transplantation.
Method of Application: Foliar spray is the best method of application of Pexalon insecticide.
Packing Available: 94ml, 470ml, 940ml
Toxicity Label: Pexalon is a Blue Label Insecticide that is moderately toxic.
Antidote: There is no specific antidote available for this Pexalon insecticide. If inhaled or ingested, treat symptomatically.

Benefits of Pexalon:
- Best insecticide for BPH
- Both preventive and Curative
- Safe to applicator
- Cost-effective as the price of DuPont Pexalon is affordable
- One has to use protective gear while using this agro chemical.
- One should not eat, drink, chew and smoke while using this insecticide.
- Also, keep this product away from foodstuff and animal feed.
- Do avoid direct contact with the mouth, eyes, and skin.
This is all about the DuPont Pexalon insecticide to control all types of planthoppers in paddy. While we hope you got the information that you are searching for the agro chemical Pexalon of DuPont Corteva.
Some of Frequently Asked Questions about DuPont Pexalon:
What is the DuPont Pexalon Price in India?
Around 1500 rupees per acre
What is the DuPont Pexalon Chemical formula?
Triflumezopyrim 10% SC
What are the uses of DuPont Pexalon?
It kills BPH and WBPH in paddy.