FMC Coragen for Stem Borer in Rice: FMC Coragen is a product from the FMC company. The chemical composition of this product is Chlorantraniliprole. FMC Coragen has an 18.4% W/W SC Chlorantraniliprole molecule which is a broad-spectrum Insecticide. Because of its uniqueness both in the technical aspect and also in the mode of the action, Coragen Liq gives a long-lasting effect than most of the other insecticides in the market, particularly for the Yellow Stem Borer in Rice Fields.

FMC Coragen for Stem Borer in Paddy:
Chemical Composition: Coragen SC is the liquid formulation of Chlorantraniliprole. Coming to the percentage, it has 18.4% W/W SC. Because of the higher percentage, you will see better results.
Recommended Dose: In the case of Paddy Stem Borer or Paddy Leaf Folder, 60 ml Coragen Liq is an ideal dose per one acre of paddy.
Target Pest: Coragen Liq is the best in the business to terminate stem borer in Paddy. Though it has a wider range, Coragen is best-suited for trouble-causing yellow stem borer in paddy.
Mode of Action: Coragen Liq is basically a Contact Insecticide. But unlike other insecticides out there in the market, this Coragen kills the Yellow Stem Borer and Rice Leaf Folder when they ingested the treated plant material. Coragen is a member of the anthranilic diamide class of insecticide which acts on insect ryanodine receptors which is a unique feature of its own.
Time of Application: You should apply this product when you see the incidence of the pest, stem borer. It does not work if you use it prematurely.
Method of Application: In paddy, the farmer has to spray the Coragen molecule at the time of pest incidence. It can be sprayed at the early and later stages of the paddy. One has to the molecule in around 200 liters of water to spray in the paddy fields.
Available Packing: As of now, 10 ml, 30 ml, 60 ml, 150 ml
Toxicity Label: This is a green label product, meaning it is moderately toxic.
Antidote: There is no specific antidote available for this Coragen. If inhaled or ingested, treat symptomatically.

Benefits of Coragen:
- Long Duration Protection
- No Resistance to pest
- Safe to applicator
- Cost-effective as the price of FMC Coragen is affordable
- One has to use protective gear while using this agro chemical.
- One should not eat, drink, chew and smoke while using this insecticide.
- Keep this away from foodstuff and animal feed.
- Do avoid direct contact with the mouth, eyes, and skin.
This is all about the insecticide FMC Coragen for Stem borer in rice in Paddy. Hope you got the information that you are searching for the agro chemical Coragen of FMC.