Biostadt Roko for Fungal Diseases: Fungal Diseases are always a threat to commercial crops. And when you consider them in the crops like paddy, tomato, chili, potato, the risk is even more. Hence farmers should save their crops from fungal diseases. Otherwise, they will have to incur huge losses. To control this fungal disease, Biostadt has come up with a quality product, Roko. This product controls fungal diseases like no other agro chemical. Here you are going to get the info like technical name, recommended dose per liter, and other details of Biostadt Roko.

Biostadt Roko for Fungal Diseases in Paddy & Chilli:
Chemical Composition: Biostadt is importing the technical from Japan for the production of Roko. It has the technical Thiophanate Methyl. While the percentage is 70%. Coming to the formulation, it comes in WP or Wettable Powder.
Recommended Dose: According to the company, they are suggesting 200gm per acre or 500gm per hectare as an ideal dose to avoid blast in paddy and other fungal diseases. While 1gm per liter of water is an ideal dose. Never ever decrease the recommended dose which might not have the results that you want. While 2-3 gm/kg seed as Seed Treatment.
Target Disease: Roko is a specialty technical which helps the best to control Blast in rice, Wilt in tomato. It also helps in controlling fungal diseases in chili and potatoes. Furthermore, to know more, check the below table.
Mode of Action: This is a systemic fungicide, which is both preventive and curative. Once the plant absorbs the technical, it directly enters into the plant system and starts its function (killing the blast causing fungi).
Time of Application: Whenever you encounter the symptoms of the disease, apply this product roko as early as possible. This will avoid further damage to your crop. You can also use this product to prevent fungal diseases which is its main USP.
Method of Application: Spraying is the best method of application for this Roko. You can also use this for Seed Treatment which helps in preventing many fungal diseases.
Packing Available: 250gm, 500gm, 1kg
Compatibility: Roko is compatible with most pesticides. Still, you need to contact the Biostadt employees to know more.
Toxicity Label: Biostadt Roko is a Slightly Toxic Agro Chemical that comes under Green Label.
Antidote: There is no specific antidote available for this Biostadt Roko technical. If inhaled or ingested, treat symptomatically.

Benefits of Roko:
- It a Broad-spectrum fungicide
- Both preventive and curative in nature
- Quick and uniformly dissolves
- Cost-effective as the price of Biostadt Roko is affordable
- One has to use protective gear while using this agro chemical.
- One should not eat, drink, chew and smoke while using this insecticide.
- Also, keep this product away from foodstuff and animal feed.
- Do avoid direct contact with the mouth, eyes, and skin.
Recommended Dose of Roko for Fungal Diseases:
S. No. | Crop | Dosage | Diseases | Time of Application |
1. | Paddy | 200gm/acre | Blast, Sheath Blight | Before & After the Disease Infestation |
2. | Potato | 200gm/acre | Black Scurf, Tuber Decay, Tuber Rot, Leaf Spot | Before & After the Disease Infestation |
3. | Tomato | 200gm/acre | Wilt, Damping-off Stem Rot, Leaf Spot | Before & After the Disease Infestation |
4. | Chilli | 200gm/acre | Powdery Mildew Anthracnose, Fruit Rot | Before & After the Disease Infestation |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Roko Technical:
What is Roko Fungicide Uses?
Helps in controlling fungal diseases in paddy and many vegetables
What is Roko Fungicide technical name?
Thiophanate Methyl 70% WP
What is Roko Fungicide Price in India?
Around 1200 rupees per kg
This is all about Biostadt Roko to control Blast disease in paddy. While we hope that you have got the info that you are searching for the agro chemical Roko of Biostadt Company.